
About, Committees

2014-2015 Committees

Government Relations Committee:
Iowa AFP President
Committee Responsibilites: Responsible for being the liaison for all government treasury related topics for all Iowa AFP members.


Program Committee:
Iowa AFP Vice President
Committee Responsibilities: Responsible for developing the programs, scheduling speakers, providing the secretary with speaker biographies prior to newsletter distribution, and recording the minutes for the monthly meeting.


Membership Committee:
Iowa AFP Treasurer
Committee Responsibilities: Approve all memberships in accordance with the Bylaws, maintain the membership records, rosters, badges, etc.


Publicity Committee:
Iowa AFP Secretary
Committee Responsibilities: Responsible for preparation of the monthly newsletter, updating the Iowa AFP website, arranging the meals, locations, and equipment for the monthly meetings, verifying meeting attendance and other publicity for Iowa AFP.


Audit Committee:
Committee Responsibilities: The Audit Committee shall have the responsibility of reviewing the financial records of Iowa AFP at least annually.